Sticky Post for 24 hours




Advertise with The Playpen – Keep Your Post at the Top!

Unlock premium visibility on The Playpen social network by keeping your post sticky at the top of the feed for 24 hours. Whether you’re promoting an event, your ad on the marketplace, offering a special deal, or sharing important news, this prime advertising space ensures maximum exposure to our vibrant and engaged community.

Benefits of a Sticky Post:

  • Top Visibility: Your post will remain in the top two posts of the feed, making it the first thing members see when they log in.
  • Increased Engagement: Attract more likes, comments, and shares by being front and center.
  • Immediate Impact: Perfect for time-sensitive announcements or offers.
  • Community Connection: Reach a targeted audience of boating enthusiasts and local adventurers.

How It Works:

  1. Purchase the Ad: Secure your spot by completing the purchase.
  2. Select Your Post: Directions for selecting the specific post to be featured will be provided upon purchase.
  3. Watch Your Post Shine: Enjoy 24 hours of top-feed prominence and boost your message’s reach!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stand out in The Playpen community. Secure your sticky post today and make a splash!